May 3, 2020

Journal Finder: Select an appropriate journal for your article!

The first tools are Elsevier:
May 3, 2020

Best Ms Words keys for thesis writing

Best Ms Words keys for thesis writing. Best Ms Words keys for thesis writing Best Ms Words keys for thesis writing
May 3, 2020

Plagiarism burning issue for research scholar

Plagiarism burning issue for research scholar. Plagiarism burning issue for research scholar
May 2, 2020

Authorship in the Publication…

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) provides comprehensive and detailed information about the authorship guidelines
January 2, 2019

10 Best useful websites for researchers- Search engines

Research is the key part of the education system once you completed the masters. Various factors are required to understand the steps of research to conduct, […]
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